Trademark Searches
Every Successful Trademark Application Starts With a Comprehensive Trademark Search
A comprehensive trademark search includes a search of all applications filed with the USPTO, a search of state and federal databases, and a common-law search.
$250 for Comprehensive Search
Registered Artists searches the entire USPTO database for potentially conflicting marks. To provide you with the most protection, Registered Artists not only searches for marks that have been officially registered, but also pending trademark applications, as well as abandoned and/or dead trademarks.

A comprehensive search extends beyond the USPTO database to include a search of state and federal databases. For example, if a business has filed for registration with a secretary of state, but has not sought registration with the USPTO, the comprehensive search will identify the business if the name potentially conflicts with the mark you are searching for. Also, Registered Artists’ comprehensive search includes a common law search. A common law search is a broad search of public records available over the internet.
What is a comprehensive trademark search?
Your comprehensive trademark search may reveal a potentially conflicting trademark which could prevent you from registering your mark with the USPTO. If that happens, Registered Artists has you covered. If you discover a conflict, Registered Artists will provide you with up to three searches without any additional charge.